Products & Resources

Australian Core Data for Interoperability (AUCDI)
The AUCDI is changing the approach to health data and is set to become a national asset focused on creating an independent foundation of reusable, standardised information models and related artefacts.

AU eRequesting Data for Interoperability (AUeReqDI)
The AUeReqDI builds upon the work and community of Australian Core Data for Interoperability (AUCDI) and focuses on the use case of electronic requesting and ordering.

Australian Patient Summary (AU PS)
The Australian Patient Summary FHIR Implementation Guide (AU PS FHIR IG) will be developed as part of Sparked. The AU Patient Summary will use AU Core and be based on IPS, localised to meet Australian requirements and aligned to the IPS specification.

Reference Implementation & Testing
The Reference Implementation and Testing Service for AU Core offers implementers open-source tools, test data and infrastructure to test FHIR applications.
More information is available via Confluence.
Coming soon

Radiology Referral FHIR ValueSet/s
The Radiology Referral FHIR ValueSet/s are used for requesting radiology procedures as specified by the AU eRequesting FHIR Implementation Guide. These ValueSet/s will be developed by the Sparked Program and informed by the RRS developed by RANZCR.

Pathology Request FHIR ValueSet/s
The Pathology Request FHIR ValueSet/s are used for requesting of Pathology procedures as specified by the AU eRequesting FHIR Implementation Guide. These ValueSet/s will be developed by the Sparked and informed by the RCPA SPIA Requesting Pathology Terminology Reference Set v4.2.