Clinical Design Group
Welcome to the Sparked Clinical Design Group
The Sparked Clinical Design Group (CDG) stands as a vibrant cornerstone of the Sparked FHIR Accelerator Core AU programme, uniting a community of professionals and experts from across the healthcare industry. This group is dedicated to the pioneering effort of developing, validating, and implementing critical healthcare data standards, focusing on the Australian Core Data for Interoperability (AUCDI) and Australian eRequesting Data for Interoperability (AUeReqDI).
By joining the CDG, you become an integral part of shaping the future of healthcare interoperability in Australia, playing a critical role in ensuring that patient data is accessible, accurate, and standardised across healthcare exchanges, reporting, and patient care for better patient outcomes nationwide.
Meetings & Materials
The agendas, minutes, and materials are available for each meeting.
- Clinical Design Group Meeting 11-12 September 2024 (In-person Brisbane)
- Clinical Design Group Meeting 20-21 November 2024 (In-person Melbourne)
- Clinical Design Group Meeting 27 September 2023 (In-person)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting 1 (09 November 2023)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting 2 (05 December 2023)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting 3 (17 January 2024)
- Clinical Design Group Meeting 13 February 2024 (In-person)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting 4 (19 February 2024)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting Out of Session Sex & eRequesting (17 April 2024)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting 5 (23 April 2024)
- Clinical Design Group Meeting 15 May 2024 (In-person)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting 6 (13 August 2024)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting 7 (15 October 2024)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting 8 (09 December 2024)
- Clinical Design Group Online Meeting 9 (23 January 2025)
Objectives and Responsibilities of the CDG
The CDG is tasked with:
- Validating and defining the data elements of AUCDI based on agreed use cases.
- Validating value sets required for the Sparked AUCDI and FHIR Implementation Guides.
- Supporting the development and validation of the Sparked Core AU and eRequesting FHIR Implementation Guide.
Membership and Participation
The CDG welcomes participation from software developers, clinicians, and domain experts passionate about advancing healthcare interoperability. Members are expected to:
- Participate respectfully in meetings,
- Identify and address issues within their areas of expertise,
- Complete tasks within agreed timeframes,
- Review and provide input on content outside of meetings, and
- Share and discuss content with colleagues.
Decision-Making and Collaboration
Decisions within the CDG are made through consensus, ensuring that all voices are heard and contributing to a collaborative environment. The outcomes of these decisions are shared widely within the healthcare community and are integral to the development of project documentation. Representation in the CDG includes a diverse array of organisations, not limited to:
- Clinicians
- Vendors
- Australian Digital Health Agency
- Department of Health and Aged Care
- Primary Health Networks (PHNs)
- Various medical associations and organizations
Meetings and Workshops
The CDG meets regularly, hosting both face-to-face workshops and online meetings to accommodate the diverse locations and schedules of its members. These gatherings are pivotal for advancing the group’s objectives, providing a platform for collaboration, and ensuring the progression of the Sparked FHIR Accelerator Core AU programme.
Withdrawal from the CDG
Members may withdraw from the CDG at any time. It is important to note that data collected up to the point of withdrawal remains a valuable part of the project, and personal information will be managed with care, respecting privacy and confidentiality. To withdraw from the Sparked program or any of its design groups, please email
Design Principles
To assist the development of AUCDI and to allow prioritisation by the Sparked team, Sparked CDG, and its collaborators, the following design principles were developed at the first Sparked CDG workshop in September 2023. The details of the design principles are outlined below.